lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019


Welcome to A Walk Through History馃憢. We will show you our world's history from different views, in this way, you will be able to understand the evoultion of your environment thanks to history and geography.

The members of History detectives are:

Cristina Ca帽ero P茅rez
Eva M谩rquez Hidalgo
Sandra Mar铆a Ariza Ruano
Mar铆a L贸pez Jim茅nez

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019




The universe is everything. Matter, energy, space and time, everything that exists is part of Universe. Is so big, but it isn’t infinite. If it was, would be infinite matter into infinite stars and not.
Matter  is not distributed uniformly, but is concentrated in places concrete: galaxies, stars,planets…
But first we are going to pose a question…


Many astronomers think that the universe was formed with the called Big Bang, a giant explosion that happened between 10 and 20 billion years ago.
This giant explosion threw matter in all directions and caused space itself. It expanded itself and since then, the universe is losing density and temperature.
When the universe cooled, the material combined to form galaxies, stars and planets.


Stars are grouped into galaxies. There are billions of galaxies in the Universe. A galaxy it’ s a huge accumulations of stars, gases and dust .
The Sun and the Earth are in a galaxy called the Milky Way . This galaxy has a spiral shape.
Our Solar System is located near the edge of the Milky Way’s spiral.


The stars are masses of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium, which emit light. They find at very high temperatures. Inside there are nuclear reactions.
The Sun is the closest star to our planet, the Earth.



The Sun how we have said before is the closest star to our planet. It is a gigantic gas mass. Its Surface is about six thousand degrees of temperature, so it releases a lot of energy .This energy reaches the earth in the form of light and heat making life possible on the planet.

IMPORTANT:  “ The Sun is the star of the Solar System. They provides us light and hot”

The planets of the solar system are stars that don’t have their own light and that they turn on themselves.
There are two types of planets:

  1.         Inner Planets : They are the closest to the sun. They are characterized by having a small size and a solid surface. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  2.       Outer planets: They are the most distant from the Sun. They are characterized by being gaseous, of large size and be surrounded by numerous satellites. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune forms the set of outher planets.

  • Mercury: Is the smallest of the Inner planets. It hasn’t atmosphere or satellites
  • Venus:  It has a very thick atmosphere and it doesn’t have satellites. It is the largest of the inner planets.
  • Earth:  It is the largest of the inner planets. It has an atmosphere with oxygen and water on the surface. It has a satellite, the Moon.
  • Mars: Its atmosphere has no oxygen
  • Jupiter: It’s the biggest
  • Saturn:  It has a ring system, and one of its satellites is almost as big as the moon.
  • Uranus:  It is four times larger than Earth and has 15 satellites
  • Neptune: Its size is similar to that of Uranus             


Asteroids: They are large rocks that revolve around the Sun
Meteorites: They are asteroids that come into contact with Earth and collide with their surface

And now…. A Funny Song !! ( Maybe with this video you learn to pronunciate better the planets and know more about them)



1.     If you had to choose, what planet would you be? Why? And, What characterizes defined you?     

If you didn't understand something, there you have a summary presentation:




First of all we have to know that the Atmosphere is the gaseous layer that involves the Earth and protect us from the space vacuum and meteorites. This layer contains Oxygen, which is what we need to breath.
Scientists have divided the Earth into three concentric layers:
- Crust: the crust is the very thin outer layer made of rocks that form the continents and the ocean floor.
- Mantle: the mantle is the layer in the middle. It is made of melted rock and is extremely hot.
- Core: the core is the thick inner layer. It is mostly made of iron (80%). This makes our planet behave like a giant magnet.

There are some elements that make up planet Earth. The Earth is made up of four spheres:
- The solid part (rocks and minerals) of the continents. This is called the Geosphere.
- The liquid part (water, ice and snow) of the oceans, seas, rivers, glaciers, etc.  This is called Hydrosphere.
- The gaseous part (mainly nitrogen and oxygen). This element is the atmosphere, which keeps Earth at the right temperature to support life.
- All living things on the planet (plants and animals) make up the biosphere.


Climate refers to the weather conditions in a particular area of the world over a long period of time (about 30 years).
It is different from weather, which just describes the conditions for a few hours. For example it might be cold in Valencia today because of a wave of cold air, but the climate in Valencia is not generally cold; it is mild.
People adapt to the climate where they live, for example, Montreal in Canada has an underground city to cope with its cold climate. People’s clothes, housing, food, timetables and leisure all reflect the climate.

Climate depends on:
- Atmospheric factors such as temperature, humidity and precipitation.
- Geographical factors such as latitude, distance from the sea, relief (the shape of the land) and altitude.

We can distinguish between Atlantic climate, Mountain climate, Subtropical climate, Mediterranean climate and Mediterranean-continental climate.

  1. Atlantic climate: mild temperatures, no extremes but heavy precipitation all year round.
  2. Mountain climate: long and cold winters and short, cool summers, and heavy precipitation with snow.
  3. Subtropical climate: temperatures don’t vary much during the year and the are low levels of precipitation.
  4. Mediterranean-continental climate: temperatures vary a lot during the year and there is low precipitation.
  5. Mediterranean climate: very warm summers and mild winters, low precipitation (except Autumn and spring). In the south (Andalusia) the climate is very hot and dry.


Weather is the state of the atmosphere in a specific place and time. It depends on:

  • Air temperature, how hot and cold the air is.
  • Humidity levels, how much water is in the air.
  • Precipitation, rain, snow or hail.
  • Wind, moving air that can make it feel hotter or colder.
  • Atmospheric pressure, the weight of the air pressing down on the earth.

Here we have a song that is called “Layers of the atmosphere”. I hope you learn more and enjoy!


Las actividades realizadas con el fin de producir los bienes y servicios necesarios en una sociedad se dividen en distintos sectores econ贸micos. 

Existen 3 sectores econ贸micos, los cuales os explicamos a continuaci贸n: 

  • Sector primario: Se trata de aquellas actividades que obtienen productos directamente de la naturaleza. 

  • Diferenciamos 5 actividades: 


  • Sector secundario: Son todas aquellas actividades que fabrican productos a partir de recursos naturales. 

  • Sector terciario: Aquellas actividades que ofrecen un servicio necesario a la sociedad. 

Como has podido comprobar los sectores econ贸micos son muy importantes en nuestro d铆a a d铆a. Por eso, es importante que comprendas bien cual es la aportaci贸n que cada uno hace a la sociedad.
El siguiente v铆deo que hemos preparado explica m谩s detalladamente los sectores econ贸micos, adem谩s incluye preguntas para que compruebes si est谩s entendiendo bien lo explicado. ¡Esperamos que te sea 煤til!馃槉


The rivers are continuous streams of water that are born in the mountains and flow into the sea, in a lake or in some other river. In a river we can distinguish three elements: the course, the river flow and the regime.

The course:  is the route taken by a river from its birth to the outfall. There are three sections: high course, middle course and low course. 

The flow river: is the amount of water a river contains.

The regime: is the variation of the flow river during the year. The regime is regular when the variation of the flow river is small and the regime is irregular when the variation of the flow river is big.


Influence of the relief: affect to the length and speed of the river. If mountains are closer of the sea, the rivers will be short and fast; if mountains are far of the sea, rivers will be long and slow.

Influence of climate: affect to the flow river and the regime of the river. Rivers of rainy climates are very abundant and regular regime while rivers that run by zones with dry climate are little big and irregular regime.

Imagen relacionada

Spanish rivers fall into three sheds: 

- Cantabrian watershead:  it is North of Spain.

- Atlantic watershead:  it is West of Spain.

- Mediterranean wathershead:  situated in east and south of Spain.


R铆o Mi帽o:  is born in the province of Lugo and fall into Atlantic Ocean, in the province of Pontevedra. It serves as a border between Spain and Portugal.

R铆o Duero: is born in the province of Soria and fall into the Atlantic Ocean (Oporto, Portugal)

R铆o Tajo:  is born in the province of Teruel and fall into Atlantic Ocean (Lisboa, Portugal)

R铆o Guadiana:  is born in the province of Ciudad Real and fall into the Atlantic Ocean in the province of Huelva (Andalusia)

R铆o Guadalquivir: is born in the province of Jaen (Sierra de Cazorla), goes through Cordoba and Sevilla and fall into the Atlantic Ocean, C谩diz (Andalusia).

R铆o Ebro: is born in the province of Cantabria, goes through Zaragoza and Logro帽o and fall into Mediterranean Sea (province of Tarragona)

Resultado de imagen de r脙­os de espa脙±a

You can enjoy this song about Rivers of Spain!

Also, you can learn about rivers through this game that we have prepared for you.  We hope that you will enjoy it! 馃槉



A large flat area of land that is high above sea level.


The landscapes of the interior are areas far from the sea.
  • Montes de Toledo: They are a mountain range of the Iberian Peninsula, formed by several mountain ranges, that separate the basin of the Tagus from that of the Guadiana.


It is all the peninsular relief is available peripherally around the plateau.

  • Montes de Le贸n: They are a Spanish mountainous group, located in the west of the provinces of Le贸n and Zamora. Its highest peak is Mount Teleno.
  • Cantabrian mountain range: It is a mountain range located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula that runs parallel to the Cantabrian Sea.
  • Iberian System: It is a mountain range of mountains of average altitude located in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, in Spain.
  • Sierra Morena: It is a mountain range of southern Spain, which separates the Central Plateau from the B茅tica Depression.


  • Galician massif: It is a system of Spanish mountains and mountains located in the extreme northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. It is an old mountainous massif whose limits are confused with the Cantabrian mountain range and the Montes de Le贸n.
  • Montes Vascos :It is the denomination of a mountain range located in the northern end of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Pyrenees: It is a mountain range located to the north of the Iberian Peninsula, which acts as the natural border between Spain and France.
  • Mediterranean System: They are a dual system of mountainous alignments parallel to the coast, the Pre-coastal Mountain Range and the Litoral Mountain Range.


  • The Betic System: It is a geographical depression in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, coinciding with the basin of the Guadalquivir River.


  • The depression of Ebro: It is a large geographic region of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula identified by the Ebro river basin.
  • Depression of Guadalquivir: It is a geographical depression in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, coinciding with the basin of the Guadalquivir River

Now, you can play and learn about relief at the same time, through this game that we have prepared for you! 馃槉

Also, you can use this tool for review your learning!