The rivers are continuous streams of water that are born in the mountains and flow into the sea, in a lake or in some other river. In a river we can distinguish three elements: the course, the river flow and the regime.
The course: is the route taken by a river from its birth to the outfall. There are three sections: high course, middle course and low course.
The flow river: is the amount of water a river contains.
The regime: is the variation of the flow river during the year. The regime is regular when the variation of the flow river is small and the regime is irregular when the variation of the flow river is big.
Influence of the relief: affect to the length and speed of the river. If mountains are closer of the sea, the rivers will be short and fast; if mountains are far of the sea, rivers will be long and slow.Influence of climate: affect to the flow river and the regime of the river. Rivers of rainy climates are very abundant and regular regime while rivers that run by zones with dry climate are little big and irregular regime.
Spanish rivers fall into three sheds:
- Cantabrian watershead: it is North of Spain.
- Atlantic watershead: it is West of Spain.
- Mediterranean wathershead: situated in east and south of Spain.
Río Miño: is born in the province of Lugo and fall into Atlantic Ocean, in the province of Pontevedra. It serves as a border between Spain and Portugal.
Río Duero: is born in the province of Soria and fall into the Atlantic Ocean (Oporto, Portugal)
Río Tajo: is born in the province of Teruel and fall into Atlantic Ocean (Lisboa, Portugal)
Río Guadiana: is born in the province of Ciudad Real and fall into the Atlantic Ocean in the province of Huelva (Andalusia)
Río Guadalquivir: is born in the province of Jaen (Sierra de Cazorla), goes through Cordoba and Sevilla and fall into the Atlantic Ocean, Cádiz (Andalusia).
Río Ebro: is born in the province of Cantabria, goes through Zaragoza and Logroño and fall into Mediterranean Sea (province of Tarragona)

You can enjoy this song about Rivers of Spain!
Also, you can learn about rivers through this game that we have prepared for you. We hope that you will enjoy it! 😊
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